Vasilije Micic of Hornets Shares NBA Idol to Highlight Passing Importance

– ‣ Vasilije Micic, recently traded to the Charlotte Hornets from Oklahoma City, has made an impressive start with an 18-point performance including 9 assists in his first game, showcasing his passing skills and adaptability to the NBA despite being a seasoned player internationally.
– ‣ Micic emphasizes the importance of passing in winning games and admires Hall of Fame Steve Nash for his vision, indicating his belief in teamwork and the ability to read the game as crucial elements for success in basketball.
– ‣ Charlotte Hornets coach Steve Clifford praises Micic for his fundamental skills in basketball, attributing his and other European players’ advanced understanding of the game to their different upbringing and training focused on fundamentals and playing without the ball.


Oh boy, the Hornets? They’ve snagged themselves a real gem this time. So, there’s this new dude, Vasilije Micic. Just hopped over from Serbia, not too long ago. Last year, to be precise. And guess what? After a stint with Oklahoma City Thunder, playing 30 games there, he’s now rocking it in Charlotte. His debut? Nothing short of spectacular – 18 points with 9 assists. Talk about making an entrance on February 10!

Now, Micic isn’t exactly a newbie to the game. The guy’s been around, playing professionally for nearly 15 years. Picked up a bunch of trophies along the way, too. But, the NBA? It’s a whole new ball game for him. Still, he’s out there, showing off his slick passing and flair on the court. Makes you think, doesn’t it?

Micic’s got this philosophy about breaking defenses. It’s all about creativity in passing, he says. With all the hedge and trap defenses in the NBA, you can’t just rely on isolation plays. It’s a faster, more thoughtful game. Forces you to think on your feet. And create opportunities with those passes.

Passing, according to our man Micic, is key to clinching those wins. He’s got a lot of respect for Steve Nash and his legendary vision on the court. Micic believes his passing game, which he’s showcasing in the NBA, is a crucial part of his play. Back in Europe, he was also known for his aggressive scoring. But here? It’s all about making those productive passes.

The difference between European and American basketball? It’s a topic that’s been chewed over plenty. European play focuses more on the team, while the American style tends to spotlight individual talent. Micic, reflecting on his upbringing in the sport, talks about the importance of the pick-and-roll game from a young age. Reading the game in the moment is essential, especially when playing against the physically dominant American players. Finding different ways to contribute is key.

Enter Steve Clifford, the Hornets coach, with nothing but praise for Micic. He’s impressed by Micic’s mastery of basketball fundamentals. Clifford’s first impressions were formed as Micic landed in North Carolina, right before the trade deadline in February. He notes a stark difference in how European players, like Micic, are raised in the sport compared to their American counterparts.

Clifford points out that Europeans grow up immersed in basketball. They’re selected as elite athletes early on and spend their days living and breathing the game. It’s all about the fundamentals for them. Meanwhile, young American players are grinding through multiple games in a weekend, playing a lot but perhaps not with the same focus on fundamental skills.

Clifford believes that while American prospects are incredibly talented, they might not have the same basketball IQ or understanding of the game as their European peers. It’s an interesting contrast, one that Micic, with his European upbringing and flair, embodies as he makes his mark in the NBA with the Hornets.

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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