Denver GM: Jamal Murray’s Extension Delay Due to Maximizing Earnings

‣ Jamal Murray is waiting to sign a contract extension in Denver to maximize his earnings
‣ The Denver Nuggets are prepared to offer Jamal Murray a supermax extension if he makes an All-NBA team
‣ Murray is expected to improve his numbers and earn another All-NBA selection in the upcoming season


The Denver Nuggets’ general manager, Calvin Booth, has shed light on why Jamal Murray has not yet signed a contract extension with the team. Booth believes that Murray is waiting to maximize his earnings and is aware of what he needs to achieve to secure a lucrative deal. Despite the uncertainty, Booth is confident that Murray will make the necessary strides to earn a supermax contract. He praised Murray’s determination and stated that the team is moving forward assuming he will be a supermax player.

Murray’s exceptional performance during the 2023 playoffs has raised expectations for the upcoming season. He played a vital role in leading the Nuggets to their first-ever championship and averaged impressive numbers throughout the postseason. Despite initial doubts surrounding his return from injury, Murray proved himself on the court and embraced the challenge of overcoming adversity.

The Nuggets have high hopes for Murray and are prepared to offer him a supermax contract if he earns All-NBA recognition. Booth acknowledged that signing Murray to such a deal will have an impact on the team’s salary cap. However, he expressed his excitement for Murray’s potential and believes that seeing players reach their peak performance is worth the financial investment.

Ultimately, it is now on Murray to prove that he deserves another All-NBA selection and live up to the expectations set by the team and fans. The Nuggets have faith in his abilities and are ready to reward him with a lucrative contract if he continues to excel on the court. As fans eagerly await the new season, they can reminisce on Murray’s incredible playoff highlights from the championship run.

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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